Call of duty cold war beta xbox one
Call of duty cold war beta xbox one

The Black Ops Cold War alpha is focused on multiplayer, with confirmation of the following ahead of the pre-load arriving: What's featured in the Black Ops Cold War alpha? There is no Xbox One or PC alpha test coming - that'll have to wait until the Black Ops Cold War beta to get your first hands-on experience. The Black Ops Cold War alpha is available through Modern Warfare or Warzone's menus, with the "Alpha menu blade" allowing you to download and then access the game.Īlso, as with last year's Gunpoint alpha, you don't need a PlayStation Plus subscription to play, either (unless you live in Germany). Unlike the upcoming Black Ops Cold War beta, there's no need to pre-order to gain access - the Black Ops Cold War alpha will be freely accessible for all PS4 users. Black Ops Cold War alpha access explained The download is 25GB, according to publisher Activision - so you know exactly how much room to clear ahead of time. The Black Ops Cold War alpha pre-load begins on Thursday, September 17th at the following start times: Black Ops Cold War alpha pre-load timesĪs well as the above start times, you can also start downloading the alpha early so you're ready to play as soon as it launches. The good news is there's a pre-load available ahead of time, allowing you to get playing right away. The Black Ops Cold War alpha dates are Friday, September 18th to Sunday, September 20th, with the following start and end times: The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War alpha is available for one weekend, exclusively for PS4 players. What's featured in the Black Ops Cold War alpha?īlack Ops Cold War alpha release times and dates: When does the Black Ops Cold War alpha start?.Black Ops Cold War alpha access explained.

call of duty cold war beta xbox one

  • Black Ops Cold War alpha pre-load times.
  • call of duty cold war beta xbox one

    Black Ops Cold War alpha release times and dates: When does the Black Ops Cold War alpha start?.This page explains Black Ops Cold War alpha times and alpha access for the weekend ahead.

    call of duty cold war beta xbox one

    This isn't new for Call of Duty or PlayStation - with an alpha for Modern Warfare's Gunpoint taking place last year. The Black Ops Cold War alpha was a surprise announcement during this week's PS5 September showcase, showing off a new trailer as well as news of hands-on access to multiplayer this week.

    Call of duty cold war beta xbox one