Libreoffice for tablets
Libreoffice for tablets

libreoffice for tablets libreoffice for tablets

Find the download in your Download history, or via a file browser, and click to install.

libreoffice for tablets

Click the link, and download the APK to your Downloads/ directory.Navigate to the URL above in the browser on your Android device.To use a daily build on Android 5 (instructions may be slightly different for other Android versions): Some problems have already been reported to us:ĭaily builds for testing are available from the same page as daily builds for other platforms: Find the build_info file alongside your daily build, Grab the version/build date/sha1 info from the top of this text file:Ĭore:b0017158094e16025ef71c728bebe1093525cb59.Is painful, at least on my phone, so if you're using a daily build, here's how to get full version info: Trying to copy version #'s from Android, or use a browser in Android Including your version number helps immensely. Please follow the guidelines described at QA/BugReport to make it easy for us to reproduce your problem and get it to the developers as quickly as possible. If you find a bug in the Android Viewer, please report it using this link.System Requirements Testing Testing with LineageOS 16.0 (Android 9)Īs a beta product, we're looking forward to working through bug reports as they come in. Running LibreOffice for Android requires On July 24 of 2020 support was added for ChromeOS (Chromebooks). Builds are available in the Google Play Store, Apple's App Store and in a third party F-Droid repository. In addition, Ecosystem partner Collabora develops Collabora Office, a document editor that uses LibreOffice technology which is also available for Android and iOS and was initially released on February 26 of 2020. We're looking for people who are interested in trying out tools that might still have a few rough edges. The LibreOffice Impress Remote for AndroidĮditing documents in LibreOffice Viewer is experimental (and only available when the experimental editing mode has been enabled in the app's settings).The LibreOffice suite, currently provided as LibreOffice Viewer for Android ( DOWNLOADS).We're currently developing two products on the Android platform: If you're a developer, you'll find more in-depth information about this process in: Development/BuildingForAndroid This page focuses on the LibreOffice suite running on Android.

Libreoffice for tablets